
Ryuichi sakamoto young
Ryuichi sakamoto young

The festival had 18,000 attendees and was aimed at raising awareness of the dangers and illegitimate need for nuclear energy. In July 2012 he organized a two-day music event, NO NUKES 2012, that included many well-known Japanese artists as well as Ryuichi's group Yellow Magic Orchestra and Germany's Kraftwerk. Ryuichi continues to devote himself to denuclearization. In response, Sakamoto has launched the following three charity organizations: “ kizunaworld”, “ LIFE311” and “ School Music Revival”. Since 3/11 in Japan, Sakamoto has been a strong voice for support and help for the victims of the earthquake, tsunami, and the anthropogenic nuclear meltdown in Fukushima. Now, a fourth forest in the Philippines is being added. Within a year, his more trees foundation had a lease on two forests in Japan, and a third on the northern island of Hokkaido followed last year. In 2007 he started the innovative project “more trees”, which contributes to carbon offset through active forestation. Sakamoto has devoted much of his time in recent years to environmental concerns – to turning Ego into Eco, as he puts it.

  • ECO Since 1994, Sakamoto's Environmental Projects.
  • BTTB Back to the Basics of Sakamoto and Piano (1999).
  • ryuichi sakamoto young

    CINEMAGE A Collection of Work Inspired by Cinema and Images (2000).ZERO LANDMINE Anti-Land Mine Awareness Campaign (2001).STOP-ROKKASHO Evolving Music and Art Project to raise awareness about Japan's reprocessing plant in Rokkasho Village/Aomori prefecture (since 2006).

    ryuichi sakamoto young

    CAPE FAREWELL Disko Bay Expedition to the West Coast of Greenland (2008).async International short film competition.

    Ryuichi sakamoto young